Evan Bryce Riddle


About Evan

Evan Bryce Riddle

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Producer * Director * Actor * Photographer * Editor * Writer *

Currently studying a Bachelor of Communications (Media) Australia’s prestigious Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). With an overlapping passion for travel and creative works, Evan has engaged in multiple media projects across Australia, the United States and Canada.

As part of the technologically dominated generation Y, naturally Evan has been developing interests within the Media and Entertainment industries. With a passion for film and television, radio, photography, editing and writing, he has confidently participated in various projects within the industry. As Mr. Riddle puts it, he has “never net a camera he didn’t like”, with beneficial experience on both sides of the camera.

Something which of course can not be dismissed is the time he has spent consuming media. Due to having grown up immersed within media and witnessing constant technological updates, Evan has experienced the digital sector as a creator and audience member alike.

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