Real to Real_ Blog 1

Most of the time when we shoot documentaries, we always involve the “human”. At this time, for “human” we have a sense of free mind, which is different from other species. It is important for our ordinary people and the owners of some valuables have the right to portrait and the right to know. So we need to hold policies to protect others and protect ourselves.

First of all, in my opinion, we must respect and love the people we shoot. This is crucial because our subjects are human and we need to treat each other as equals. So we need subjects’ consent of their story and make sure they are willing to talk to us. Also, informed they know all the consequences which can happen and participate with it. Next, if necessary we have a responsibility to protect them from the risk of what saying something secret. Especially when you are journalists or reporter, preventing the risk can be your routine. Such as mosaic faces or change the voice for some people so that they can not be recognized and be retributed, and their story can be better presented to the public. Other “respecting” example refers to the week 4 class PPT(2020, Rohan) is subjects must give consent that they will participant and fully understand: 1:the overall goals of the project, 2: the intended audience, 3: Possible conflicts of interest. Every above prepare need to be done before the cameras on. Ahead to the end. I think as we respect them as the main character and our core creator, they have the same right as we have, they can preview the product before we published it.

Of course, protecting ourselves is important too. A lawsuit may occur if a participant feels they have been misrepresented by us. In very rare cases they may feel defamed or they haven’t given informed consent. So we have to make a personal release (Release Forms) that get as many as possible signed by the participants before film. We will also need to print a copy with it to make sure they understood the details we’ve already told them and agree with our shooting. I think Australia has already done an excellent job of protecting both sides.

Finally, I hope that everyone can cooperate peacefully and communicate as much as possible rather than go to court.

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