© 2013 ellathompson


Tuesday’s class involved giving feedback about the lecture. What we thought it did well, what we thought it did poorly, how we thought it could improve.

I honestly really enjoyed the lecture. It was refreshing. I think a lot of other people did, too. I would say that the only reason it seemed as if – from the feedback – the ‘BADs’ outweighed the ‘GOODs’ was because there were two columns dedicated to identifying and resolving problems, compared with only one dedicated to identifying strengths. Another thing I think happened was that some people reverted to indifference as a way of managing the responsibility of having an opinion, and this indifference translated to an appearance of being unimpressed / not liking the lecture.

AAAANYWAY. A few things from this list stuck with me, though. One of them was the possibility of the lectures becoming repetitive. At the moment, I find them really fresh and insightful. But how long until this new tactic of teaching becomes worn out? But, then again, conventional teaching methods are already worn out, so what really is the point in returning there? I think we should just keep going and see where we get. These kind of lectures are way more engaging, anyway. The other thing from the list that stuck with me was in the improvement column – it was a suggestion for Adrian to give us (students)  more time to think of questions. Yeah. Agreed. We all know that feeling when we don’t have enough context to know what we don’t know, and we don’t even have enough context to know that we don’t know, and because there is so much unknown, we don’t know where to start, so we fall into the lazy habit of passive assumption. Rather than questioning things. My point is that it takes time to identify the unknown, as well as to formulate a question about it.

Other things I learnt from this week two class:

  • Learning qualitatively = model II learning (rich/valuable, question/speculate, understand how/understand differently).
  • Learning quantitatively = model I learning (know what, standard consumption of knowledge).
  • This course is really concerned with thinking about how we are learning.
  • Use Vimeo, not Youtube. Youtube becomes the owner of your video, whereas Vimeo allows you to remain the identified owner.





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