I was unable to make it in to the workshop this week, but I have received the learning graph Jasmine handed out and plotted the semesters learning on it.

1. How much have I learnt about making media objects/stories?

During the semester I’ve found that the focus on narratives was really helpful in me garnering more of an idea about the ways to approach media making, in a way that will allow me to tell stories. A lot of the techniques and theories about editing we learnt have been really helpful in the way I now look at making media.

2. What is my ability to work independently in unfamiliar ways or with new systems and tools?

This semester I have learnt everything I now know about filming and editing. The previous experience I have had in these fields, was at a much lower level of expertise than I’ve been shown this year. I have shown, through my experience in making during the course that I can successfully set up and film, relatively good quality footage, on my own.

3. How much do I understand and think critically and creatively about what I make?

Obviously, my ability to understand and think creatively and analytically will always be growing, improving and changing the more I learn, create and engage with the world around me, especially in regards to becoming and being a media practitioner. Although I can see, already, an improvement from the beginning of the semester to now in my ability to think about creating in a creative, individual and interesting manner, although that is only the beginning and I still believe I need to work on my ability to make from that thinking.

4. What is my understanding of the role/value of the blog to me?

My understanding of the role of the blog, and it’s value to my learning experience was lacking at the beginning of the degree, but from PB3 onwards I felt more motivated to create something I could be proud of at the end of the semester, so from about week 8 onwards I do feel as though my posts have


Our PB4 is coming along really well! Looking forward to our final meetings over the next week to really pull it all together.

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