Reason for Failure
Hey so Reddit…
I’ve know about this progression cancer for a while now but never really tapped into it until I got food poisoning in Thailand this past summer holidays. I’ve been addicted ever since. When I sit down to do a bit of work the ratio of time spent is definitely 3:1 in favour of reddit.
For those of you who don’t know what reddit is (I know it’s probably like one of you), reddit is a website comprised of sub-conglomerate categories and threads (subreddits). These categories allow for people to post content to them in relation to that subreddit topic. Other users then have the ability to ‘upvote’ or ‘downvote’ that post; upvote being a positive mark and the latter being negative. The more popular a post gets, the higher it climbs up the subreddit. Reddit users regardless of having an account or not are already subscribed to the default subreddits which makes up the “front page” that most casual Reddit users will know. If you get an account, however, you can subscribe to other lesser know subreddits. Things that suit your tastes like a certain video game or TV show.
Users can also leave comments on the original post and other users can reply to those comments. It allows for things like Askreddit to exist (which I’ll get onto).
Askreddit is by far my favourite subreddit and where I spend most of my time. This subreddit functions like it sounds. Users ask questions and other redditors answer. The question can be someting asking to draw out past life experiences like “What was the most awkward moment you ever had?”, which can bring up some pretty hilarious stuff. Other questions can also play with your emotions, bringing upon answers like a mother who lost both her children over the course of two years. Other questions may be asking for input, like what TV series is good to get into.
Now if you don’t mind me, I’m gonna go on Reddit now.