THINKING IN FRAGMENTS – Assignment 2 Development Pt.1

Non-Fictional Project + Individual Research Pt.1

Non-Fictional Project

The DNA Project

is an online interactive documentary that documents the production of the musician J.Views‘s album 401 days

It aims to unfold the elements of creating songs and communicate with his listeners during the process. The Project demonstrates some characteristics of online screen media, such as unregulated length, multiple media, interactive and episodic form. For example, in terms of multimedia, there are several art forms are combined into this project for allowing viewers to look into J.Views‘s creation of the album, for instance, video, audio and photography.

What is more, there are 3 different ways of experiencing this production process, which are timeline, tracks and the DNA. Take tracks as an example, the accomplishment processes of every single track from his album are shown from inspirations, production to final product by using personal perspective (POV).

In this project, every pieces of various art forms are composed to produce a final product, which relates with my individual research coincidentally about Instagram and has an impact on my group project.


Individual Research Pt.2

It is found that there are mixes of diverse art forms presented on Instagram posts. Here are some posts that I thought appealing from Margaret Zhang (@margaret__zhang):


Post 1:the combination of still image with moving video as background.

Post 2:the mix of photos and videos on the same post.

Post 3: split screen: the division of one post into two fragments for showing different angles and the silence of the video with subtitles for convenient glancing.


These posts are not merely single art form posts, instead, it incopporates with a variety of art forms to create an innovative online screen media experience, which is similar to The DNA Project to some extent. In terms of the characteristics, it satisfies the multimedia form, unregulated length, mobile, tag, commenting and sharing.

After experiencing and analysing this 2 project, I have an inspiration of creating an multimedia form project on Instagram. There would be a series of posts consists of either a single art form or a mix of different art forms, for example, there is only a piece of music on 1st post, a mix of photos and short clips on 2nd post, etc.


To be continued…

Project Development Pt.2

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