Woody Allen

Woody Allen

I read the Midnight In Paris script the other day – it’s one of my favourite films.

The script is even more compelling though. I love the way Woody Allen characterises Hemingway:

GIL                   Would you read it?
 HEMINGWAY                   Your novel?
 GIL                   It's only about four hundred pages -
                  if you could just give me your
 HEMINGWAY                   My opinion is I hate it.
 GIL                   You do?
 HEMINGWAY                   If it's bad I'll hate it because I
                  hate bad writing and if it's good
                  I'll be envious and hate it all the
                  more. You don't want the opinion
                  of another writer.
 GIL                   But there's no one I really trust
                  to evaluate it -
 HEMINGWAY                   Writers are competitive.
 GIL                   I could never compete with you -
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 HEMINGWAY                   You're too self-effacing - it's not
                  manly. If you're a writer, declare
                  yourself the best writer - but
                  you're not the best as long as I'm
                  around. Unless you want to put the
                  gloves on and settle it.