Speculative writing

Speculative writing

Unlecture 02 notes:

– speculative writing is the fancy term given to things like science fiction, but includes lots of other things too; speculative fiction offers writing as a way to think with and through things

– the main point made from the unlecture is that one needs to move from his or her own position of knowing towards it for it to work; it thus becomes an invitation and a demand for it has an imperative; if demand is not suspended then the work won’t do its job, which is to ultimately describe and propose a possible world where one needs to learn its terms

– one is a supplicant and not the master; this is a useful model to think about ones relationship to knowledge and broad learning

– speculative fiction is a deeply epistemological way of writing; epistemology is the philosophy of knowledge, thus it is about how one knows things


Bladerunner is a cool speculative fiction film… Its when neo noirs and science fictions have sex.

And I guess this is what happens when you throw some new wave 80s disco pop into the mix: