What is neutral technology?
Unfortunately I was unable to go to this weeks lecture/symposium but after talking to some friends about what was discussed, this was the question I was left with.
Mitchell explained to me that Adrian used a hammer as an example to discuss the idea that the intended purpose for technologies are mostly irrelevant. It is the way in which it is commonly used which is important as it will have cultural effects. Who knows what the first hammer was created for? There are various models and modes of hammers nowadays, however I believe that the first thought of a hammers use would be for hitting nails.
There would be so many more technologies that were created for one purpose but are instead being used for a multitude 0f others. For instance, duct tape. Created during WW2 when soldiers needed something that would keep there ammunition cases dry. After the war it was suggested by soldiers to be used to hold heating and air-conditioning duct work together. Today, duct tape is used for various things: holding together shoes, books, cover broken windows… etc etc.
I have many questions surrounding this symposium, but first I should probably wrap my head around neutral technology.