Translating Observation – Observation Writings

Observation Writings 50-500 Words

22nd July – Early Morning Fog

  • The early morning light leaking through the upstairs bedroom blinds is diminished when they’re opened to reveal a dense overreaching fog. A sea of cloud hanging above the power lines generating a fog so thick that the end of the street is no longer insight. The morning sun does its best to pierce the layer of cloud but its efforts are largely ineffective with streaks of light being diminished by the time they make contact with the ground. One thing that does pierce this omnipresent dense fog are the artificial and man made human lights seen on the several cars on the road. Cars making their way down my street appear to be two sole dots moving closer towards me with no car appearing to be present. All while staring out through windows for a brief morning moment.

24th July – Rustic Charm

  • A real stillness is felt in the air with no wind heard or felt for kilometres across the suburb. Despite this stillness, a rustic charm hanging from a tree branch high in the sky dances effortlessly in the what appears to be imaginary air. This rustic charm is in the shape of a heart with with a diamond hanging from its lowest point, a very glamorous charm really. However, it’s easily noticeable that this charm has seen years of sun and endless rain that has adapted itself to all weather conditions over the years. No two movements from the charm are the same as it spins from left to right at varying speeds based on the winds power through the high above trees. A man made object at the mercy of nature; a rare but beautiful sight.

26th July – Keychain

  • 3 keys sitting on a key chain hanging out of the lock they’re used to open so many times hang delicately, drooped towards the ground with gravity pulling them ever closer towards the floor. The door opens from an opposing force on the other side of the door and slams shut on its way back to the door frame where it spends its time closed. As soon as the door handle clicks and the door shuts all previous movement is no longer and the only to catch the eye is these set of keys swinging from left to right. The stillness of the door accentuates the keys movement swinging on their key ring as they continue to hang from the lock they were in. Seconds pass but these seconds feel like hours as these keys swing on a pendulum like path creating a hypnotic experience. Gravity seems to have no effect on the movement gliding freely back and forth along the seemingly frictionless ring they’re attached to. The eventual slowing down of the pendulum and inevitable stopping wakes up the mind from a day dream like state with a re introduction to the wider world away from the keys.

29th July – Setting Sun

  • Riding home on a sunny late afternoon as the sun drops lower and lower towards the horizon. Moving directly towards the suns gaze the effort to see what’s ahead is made a lot more difficult, but in a beautiful kind of way. The suns power finds its way through any gap in a tree, building or person alike piercing anything it makes contact with in a bright orange glow. Albeit somewhat blinding, being met with the suns overpowering presence fills the mind with feelings of euphoria and a notion of being on another planet with all action around seeming un important. A spot of shadow where the suns gaze has not been able to cast light upon, almost instantaneously zaps the dopamine out of the mind and replaces it with feelings of cold dark aura. The contrast between light and dark at the hands of the setting sun manages to put all feelings into question without effort.

2nd August – The Mask

  • A double layered piece of fabric or surgical material placed across the mouth and nose of a human being, designed to hamper the spread of saliva droplets potentially carrying the deadly coronavirus. Masks come in all different colours and styles all to fit the very style of the person wearing them. A mask has the innate ability to cover a humans identity and expression yet a persons choice of mask can say so much about their personality and ultimately who they are as a person. This idea of identity behind and through the mask is comparable to a humans choice of shoe or hat and thus becomes apart of their aesthetic and overall identity. Despite the choice and broad array of masks to be seen all over the supermarket one element to the mask remains constant throughout all; The elastic ear loops. The tension on both ears to keep the mask in place leave some with a grimace of pain across their face with others appearing to be well accustomed to the wearing of masks and doing so with much comfort. A sight to be seen for many months to come.

4th August – Tram Tracks

  • A sudden rumble can be heard from a far before becoming louder and louder as the tram moves closer. The experience transforms from a sound that you can hear to a feeling that you can feel through your body as the tram rumbles along the tracks. Often referred to as a rhino on a skateboard this notion proves its truth as the ground seems to move and shake underneath as the tracks move under the trams weight. It’s almost as if there’s movements from a live being underground waiting to breach the surface. But as the tram slinks off into the distance everything moves back to complete stillness and the tracks return back to their elegantly straight shape as if they were never used.

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