Assignment 4 Blog Post 2

Following the adjustments made to our Instagram account, I felt it appropriate to reflect on what we have done, how it has shifted my views on social media and the potential for the future if we were to continue to work on this project. When it comes to how I look at social media prior to working on this task, my mind normally would look towards creative and marketing-based ventures rather than pages or accounts centered around common issues and helping people.

When it comes to what I think we did well with this concept was attempting to apply tactics that I understood would normally be used for more “influencer” style Instagram accounts and using these tactics for an account that’s focused on the wellbeing of others. This culminated in our approach of trying to make the content as varied as possible, not only in terms of the format but additionally in terms of style. The use of both statistics as well as appeal to emotion was critical for a balanced page. If we only catered to one style, we could reduce the number of potential followers, as people tend to gravitate towards different styles of content. So, I personally felt that we managed to strike a strong balance between the two. Since we were using an Instagram account, we had to ensure that our content had an appealing visual style, as this platform emphasis the importance of visuals. So, we did our best to make our videos and our more text heavy posts appealing to the eye through our selection of certain fonts and colours.

Prior to this assignment I haven’t really engaged with Instagram. So, this helped develop my understanding of the platform, how a good Instagram account should look, what type of content should be produced, all whilst researching an important issue. This project certainly was rewarding in that respect. I feel this has in many ways improved my perception of not only Instagram but social media broadly, it’s clear that it has a potentially great capacity to make a positive difference in the world rather than something that’s more focused on business, personal branding or artistic endeavors. And whilst I feel all of those things still hold a great deal of value and can be intertwined with trying to better the lives of others. I have gained a stronger grasp of how the use of social media can be used as a tool for making positive changes in people’s lives.

Cyber Stompers Instagram Page:

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