Liz the Narrator?

Liz is an interesting character, one that I think we were all extremely happy to keep around. From what we know, she begins very mundane, very human, very much like you and I. Despite viewing the story of so many characters, however it is not fully implied, essentially it feels as though we are watching everything unfold from Liz’s point of view. She’s confused for the most part, something she shares closely with the audience. Whether it’s in a written look she gives to the camera, or a rhetorical question towards the other characters, Liz represents all of us in a sense.

I can’t speak on behalf of everyone who has read the scripts, but when learning about all the other characters, I easily felt as though my raw reactions, mimicked that of Liz’s reactions to the characters. Although this doesn’t align exactly with what a narrator technically is, it does give us a sense that Liz is learning about where she is, and who she is with, at the very same pace that we are as an audience.

The pace of how I believe the scripts are going to be written, makes it easier for Liz to share her experiences with the audience. As of yet, we aren’t jumping forward days at a time, or even hours. We are given a raw, and fairly uncut view of Liz’s life at the office. For an online audience, the sense of real time makes in more personal. The forum, of the show being made for the web would in a sense create a community, in which Liz would likely become a part of if she was a real person. Like a blog, Liz’s experiences are documented for others to find relation and comfort in.

As someone who engages in online communities when I watch movies or tv series, I think that having a character that is on the same playing field as the audience, makes for a much more intimate viewing experience.

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