So, we’ve been learning HTML, barely. I know it is supposed to be a starting point for people who have not worked in HTML before, but as far as I am concerned what we learnt is fairly useless.

I have been doing web design for 4 years, and I seriously don’t see why we only learnt about such small trivial things in the whole context of HTML. Learning how to align images is helpful, but when working in programs that are constantly trying to make this easier, I don’t see the point. Again with adding links to images and text, as far as I am concerned, a waste of time. Though it gives us the knowledge of how to edit our code directly, widespread and highly used clients such as Dreamweaver are moving towards making this knowledge redundant.

We are using text wrangler, and in reality, most web designers and people doing anything related to web will use professional programs like Dreamweaver, which makes it possible for us to not really know about this knowledge, which should take much less time than we took.

Social media’s power

Check out this article

Its about a man who fell in love with a woman on an airplane and his journey to track her down. He used twitter creating the hashtags #LoveAtFirstSight and #findkatie. Low and behold, he ended up tracking her down, is in contact with her and is meeting her soon!

This demonstrates the absolute power of the internet and social media, making it possible to track people down from across the globe with only their first name.

RMIT is smoke free, right?

Bit of an unrelated post, but is it just me or is there signs saying RMIT is smoke free, don’t smoke on campus etc. everywhere?

Yet, I still notice a large number of people doing the discourteous act of smoking on campus, even staff members have been caught in the act. I am just questioning how are they enforcing this ban on smoking? cause it seems like your doing a pretty crap job.



Photo Credit: Alexandra Schwarz Photografie via photopin cc

Thepiratebay vs Foxtel, your thoughts?

Ellen makes a great point, I don’t think I could have said it any better.

It is not that many Australians don’t see what they are doing (in terms of pirating content) as illegal, they whole heartedly realise that. I talk about it as a collective, as Australia has the highest rate of piracy world wide.

I think Ellen’s point that Australians would be happy to pay for they TV programs (at a reasonable price that is), rather than pirate them. It is rather pathetic that we have to wait so long for some shows, and sometimes never get them unless we have Foxtel.

One thing that Ellen didn’t mention (nor did I expect her to) was the AFL. I personally, find it disgraceful that “Australia’s Game” as it is always so kindly put, is near impossible to bearably watch without paying for it. Coverage by the low quality channel 7 is not enough, and people don’t want to buy Foxtel or AFL live to watch something that many believe should be free. Who want’s to watch standard definition crap on channel 7, and not even see their team play?


Check out Ellen’s post here if you want to hear her thoughts on Piracy and subscriptions.

Week 3 Questions

Questions from class

  1. How can we trust the validity of the information we engage with on the internet?
  2. Can blogging be put into a specific formula, like how we put a formula to essays?
  3. a. How does network literacy differ from print literacy? What limitations do they share? What strengths help compensate for each other?
    b. Can they work together? or are they always going to be separate
  4. Can network literacy be taught formally, or does the ever changing form of the internet make teaching and learning network literacy redundant?

Extra question

  1. If the essay is redundant in everyday life, why has some form of assessment not been developed that evokes the writers ideas in a relevant way that may be used in later life?

Are the beds still burning?

In politics we were talking about talking politically, and I thought it was interesting how talking politically doesn’t have to be limited to actual political talk, rather it can span form almost anything.

Here’s a video which you should know, and speaks greatly to this idea of talking politically.

Week 2 questions

Here they are, a bit late, but better late than never.


  1. Though songs are copyrighted etc. what can potentially happen when we post videos or publicly sing songs that are copyrighted. I don’t mean mainstream music, however in particular I mean “the world’s most popular song” ‘Happy Birthday’.
  2. When embedding youtube videos, is there any particular written copyright regarding the embedding of those videos, stopping you from posting certain videos.
  3. Can the potential policing of copyright through ISP’s be seen as completely legal? Does it not imply that ISP’s are going to know the type of content we are engaging with. e.g. P2P for piracy. Could this not be a further risk to the online privacy which we all desire?

The continuation of a story

So as many of you may know, 50 shades of grey is the best selling book series by E.L. James. What some of you may no know (doubtful because its so prolific) is that they have made a movie about it, somehow…

This, I feel emphasises the idea that current stories are ‘never ending’. It shows how the form of a book, with all of their constraints as Adrian puts it can evolve into a film, extending the story even further. So have a look at the new trailer below, she seems like a bit of a saucy film, but who doesn’t want a bit of sauce with their pie at the footy?

Beginnings, middles and ends.

So, stories have beginnings, middles and ends, apparently the Internet does not, but, how do we really know?

Personally, I believe that we can actually conceptualise the internet into a story with a ‘beginning, middle and end’. Could we not say that the beginning of the ‘story’ of the internet is the actual creation of it for military purposes? What if the reason there is no visible ‘end’ to the story of the internet is because we are in the middle? Maybe the end of the story that is the internet, is the actual demise of the internet, and the reason why we see it as not having an end is because the story, in terms of history, has just begun, and there is a long way to go?

I think I just confused myself and anyone who reads this, but in all seriousness, what if…..

(see what I did there?)