Posts Tagged ‘media’

New media is so 2013

This week’s readings explore the ideas of Gitleman, who attempts to define new media. She sustains that all media is new media at some point in time. Media created centuries ago was considered new centuries ago, even though it may appear ancient now.

This made me think about a thought I regularly have about technology and the world. I think, how can people possibly think of something new to invent, because I believe we have everything. Will there ever be another innovation in my lifetime, such as the telephone, such as the internet, an innovation that changes the way that we as humans interact within our society.

And then I think, of course there will be. There is always room for media to develop and become more innovative, therefore branding it new media.

And so #InternLife comes to a close, as well as blogging

I have been incredibly lucky and appreciative of the internships i have acquired this year. After entering the year in a fluster as I had no genuine internship experience under my belt entering my third year, I began to work hard and put my thinking hat on.

I have been blessed to intern at Hockey Victoria, Netball Australia and Hawthorn Football Club this year, experiences that I will never forget.


That should definitely be on my resume, right?

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