Final Week with the International Jobs crew


After five or so hectic weeks of finding guests, stalking them (legally) and schmoozing to the bones, our Media 6 seminar was a success! Although we haven’t received our feedback from the tutors, the fact that there weren’t any major dramas we had to deal with during the seminar was a triumph.

Overall, I was very glad to have been part of this team. A small circle of team members made major decisions with different aspects of the seminar that we led, but every member was motivated to work on their responsibilities. What was amusing to see was that even though we lost a majority of third year Media students attending (it is Week 11 after all), there was a great number of students from other Communications courses AND outside of RMIT that attended, including some old friends of mine whom I didn’t expect to come (nor did I invite them exclusively). I was surprised to see a mature couple enter the lecture theatre (late) and wondered how they heard about the seminar.

Despite the exhaustion, I am very happy with how much time was invested into this seminar and grateful for all the friends of the team members that helped make this seminar a success. I will definitely miss the weekly catchups on Fridays and the crazy followups on Facebook. I can only hope that the audience members saw the positive in our efforts and that we would receive great feedback.


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