OVE Project 3 Concept ideas

Our idea involves the concept of ‘observation’ – to experiment with footage that we don’t necessarily create but rather manipulate.

  • Experimenting with a ‘time-lapse’ style of video, similar to the sketch created by Apple which involves a Vine video taken over a 24 hour period – highlighting certain moments. What if we were to narrow it down even further and focus on a particular area with short shots taken at different times of days. What if we could incorporate this idea within a game time cycle? Such as Grand Theft Auto.
  • Most Vines that are centred around ‘observation’ tend to showcase an area or an event – things that aren’t staged/scripted. We could probably relate this to gaming whereby we simply take a 6 second piece of footage and just let it play out – see how it can be interpreted.
  • In terms of manipulation – how can we manipulate an observation of an event? What if we were to record something entirely random and place a voice over, e.g. record 2 random couples chatting in the distance and replace the audio with our own voice over – creating an observational Vine but at the same time give it a narrative. Works from YouTuber ‘Sparkles’ tends to use footage from other people and manipulate them into his own videos – showcasing highlights and extraordinary moments. In terms of how we can expand on this is experimenting with how he does it – to what extent can we manipulate found footage to change the context or to even enforce the context of which the video is based upon.

Working from a case study that examined an example of online video practice that Steve and I refer to as a ‘gaming highlight’, which is basically a short clip showcasing a moment during the session that sparks interest. Our group plan to explore how a gaming highlight can be altered when it is produced in different online services and tools such as YouTube, Vine and Twitter to name a few. furthermore we’re looking a bit into how we can expand on this notion of a ‘highlight’, where can this lead into?

How is the narrative or non-narrative structure of a gaming highlight altered when it is produced in varying online services and tools?

Our group through this inquiry are making a contribution to the development of a ‘highlight’ online video practice and gaming videos more broadly on the Web.

Case Study can be found in an earlier blog post here.


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