IFTTT and how to use it to post an Instagram photo as a blog post


FTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement:

If this, then that. We call 'this' the Trigger, and 'that' the Action. Together, it is a Recipe.

IFTTT is pronounced like “gift” without the “g.”


So you can create connections between different media networks with just simple “RECIPE” that already on IFTTT website. But firstly, you have to create a IFTTT account.

For example, I’m gonna show how to link Instagram to WordPress so any new photo on your instagram will becomes a photo blog post on your wordpress. You can do it with any social network platform.


  • search “wordpress” in the search engine on IFTTT website
  • choose the media that you want to link with wordpress, eg: instagram-wordpress
  • then activate your wordpress account and instagram account
  • choose your setting with both instagram and wordpress
  • hit “use recipe”
  • everything is done, now you can check your activity, turn off or on your connections…etc