Method of Working (Part 23)

First Stage Planning:

The first stage of my method of working is pre-production. With this I have taken photos as a storyboard, showing me how I could possibly frame the shots. These photos are visual notes that allow me to see what is happening outside of my head and onto the screen. This stage has helped my thought process, and allows me to analyse what I have done, and change it accordingly. I have completed the original shoot to this, and I have received feedback which was documented in my previous posts. This re-shoot is to demonstrate what I have learnt thus far; take into account the feedback; and to experiment with framing through various stages where I will look at the technical elements of the camera that I have just learnt. This shoot is a way to analyse what I have learnt, and to see how I produce it. The shots below are just draft images of the rough estimations I wish to have the actor positioned. I am thinking I wish to start with detail shots. The scene will start with the feet, luring the audience along, making them want, and then cut to a close up of the actor’s face. This is teasing the audience almost in a way the scene should create suspense. After these two shots there will be a full body shot, this way the audience can see the location and the actor, along with all of the details. The next couple of shots are close ups of the actor throughout the conversation with another character, and then cuts out to a wide shot. To end this scene I was considering have a medium shot of the actor’s face, just to finish with the detail of the actor’s facial expression.

Draft 1:






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