Real Life Stories

So in Mondays lecture a cute little debate sprung up after Adrian mentioned that our lives are not stories, and someone in class begged to differ.

Stories need a narrator and without one there is no one to tell the story, and this was a strongly emphasised point. The way I see it though, the characters in a story aren’t aware of the presence of a narrator, so I don’t know, it just seemed a little speculative to say that there is no narrator our lives simply because we can’t observe one, but I suppose it’s not exactly the sanest thing to suggest that there is something there that isn’t, and there are accounts in stories where characters may question the presence of such a controlling force. Maybe our entire existence is being held together by some grand narrator that we’ll never know, maybe it isn’t, maybe we’ll never know. Its hard to avoid sounding as though I’m talking about a God type existence narrating us, and although I’m not excluding it as an option as sometimes narrators are described as having a Godlike presence or role in a story, just bear in mind that there are various other types of narration.

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