Fact Check | Hanson Check


Hanson Check

This is Hanson Check, where we discuss RMIT ABC Fact Check articles on claims made by the infamous politician, Pauline Hanson. The podcast also has an accompanying Instagram page with info-graphics that coincide with the podcast episodes.

The aim of each podcast is not to attack Hanson, but to stop any spread of potential misinformation or disinformation about the important issues that she addresses in Australian politics. The tone of each Fact Check article is neutral to demonstrate how they set verdicts with only the facts. 

The first podcast is on Hanson’s claim about there only being 57 transgender children under the age of 15 in the country, which was found to be wrong. We talk to Ellen McCutchan about the research and work behind the Fact Check article, and the public reaction to the negative verdict.

The second podcast covers Hanson’s statement about Australia’s Net Overseas Migration underpinning the budget and claims that the Morrison government had capped migration as a marketing ploy because the budget was ‘built off mass migration’. Upon discovery with a number of experts, Russell Skelton saw this to be ‘close to the mark’ because the budget didn’t account solely from migration as Hanson had said.


Pauline Hanson says just 57 students under the age of 15 identified as transgender in the census. Is she Correct?





Is Australia’s Population growth mostly the result of migration, and is that underpinning the budget?






By Georgia Bertolino, Georgia D’Souza, Bridgette O’Byrne & Mia Troy

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