By the River

A film by Shijie Luo ( Rachel)

I grew up by the two rivers in my hometown, one is called the Jialing river,  the other is called the Yellow river. The two rivers were so beautiful, at least in my memory.

With the establishment of factories and the increase of population, the two rivers in my hometown are becoming more and more polluted. I miss the rivers in the old days and at the same time feel anxious. I realise the water pollution is not only happening in my hometown but also the world wild, so I hope to make a film of water with my own story to call attention to the water pollution problem.

The film is composed by archival and found footage as well as my personal story voiceover. The simple and peaceful footage presents the similar scenes with my story, and in this way, I hope the film gives more space for audience to imagine and concern, which creates a better interaction between the documentary and audience. Moreover I hope it closers audience to the environment, helps them to associate better with their own experience and living environment through the footage.

kimmunro • May 24, 2020

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