

Starring: Isabel Viavattene as Nat – Samuel Cucinotta as Edward

Ayu Sekarlangit Mokoginta (Writer/Editor) – Michael Gage (Cinematographer/Director) – Isabel Viavattene (Producer/Actor) – Steffany Layne Manuel (Producer/Set Designer) – Samuel Cucinotta (Co-writer/Editor/Actor)

How would you feel if your loved ones are treated differently for being who they are? Something that they have very little to no control over?

Set years into the future after humans have won the war against alien entities, a generation of Alters — a product between man and alien — came to be. It follows the journey between Edward and Nat as an internal conflict between the two. Nat, an Alter, seeks out justice for people of her kind while wishes to make her brother, Edward understand. However, one decision came to be that’ll soon become their ultimate downfall.

Derived from (Writer/Editor) Ayu Sekarlangit’s personal experience, this issue is no stranger in our lives. This film draws inspirations from Villeneuve’s “Arrival” and Dontnod Entertainment’s “Life is Strange” to achieve the dramatic tone/look it was aiming for and an intimate portrayal of a concept that often occurs within action-based movies.

This story aims to explore the nature of prevailing xenophobia and see things from multiple angles. It looks at an intimate relationship between a brother and a sister and how such an issue would take a toll on their relationship, extrapolated by what will become of their relationship if such mindset comes between them.

With this, we aim to not only highlight this issue but also explore the other side of the spectrum rather than just focusing it on one side. Seeking to understand why both would go with their decision, making them. We aim to discuss these issues through a set of perspectives that we’re convinced that is familiar to some if not most of us. 

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