Lights Camera (Inter)Action Studio 2019

interacting to the Max

Media 5 Lights, Camera (Inter)Action– Final Project

Solo Statement:

My solo project is to create a mobile interface. The viewer clicks on the app on the phone interface with the mouse, and the screen plays a video that I recorded with my own phone in advance. I have set up 8 different apps, and I have encountered some problems during the app creation process. First of all, after the video ends, how to return to the main interface once again is difficult for me. I thought about it for a long time and finally decided to set the ‘home’ button to pause the video and return to the main interface during the video end or during the video playback. Secondly, the video window I played has a coincidence with the background image I added myself, but the button I set when I showed it was blocked by the image, which prevented the video from being played. I solved this problem by adjusting the video window, control buttons, and the position of the image. In general, my work is to enhance the interaction between the audience and the work.

Group Statement:

Our group project was inspired by our first group assignment. There are similarities to this game of escape from the Chamber of Secrets. The viewer makes a choice among several options and there will be different endings. It’s interesting. Of course, we recorded each option in advance and what happens after the selection. Our video was shot from the first perspective, so when the audience was involved, it felt like it was happening in front of them. At the time of triggering each step, we hope to have different ways of expressing it, for example, by controlling the input of a sound. However, in practice, it may still be affected by the ambient sound, which is difficult to make. We end up doing each step by typing in a dialog box.


This assignment is a combination of the previous two assignments, especially for group work, and we used the first teamwork idea. However, we have made improvements. When we were preparing, we did not use this idea immediately. We want to be able to innovate based on the first two assignments. For example, our initial idea was to create a book in Max that the audience could open or flip to the next page by waving his hand in front of the camera. When we started doing it, we encountered a lot of difficulties. First of all, there is a problem in waving the camera and controlling the book. We don’t know how to do this part. Secondly, we cannot guarantee that our work will attract viewers to stay for 5 to 7 minutes. The action of flipping the book is very fast, and the time required for the viewer to read the page and then read the next page is not fixed. In the end, we changed our idea.

For my solo work, I was not very satisfied with my own work through the previous two solo assignments. In this assignment, I tried to find an idea that would be close to the audience’s daily life and appeal to them. I chose the ‘mobile phone’, an item that most people are familiar with. Attract them to interact with the ‘mobile phone’ I made.

What did I gain this semester

I am very happy, this semester touched the new software Max. Although I am not very skilled, and there are many features in this software waiting for me to explore slowly. In every job, the idea is very important. A good idea allows us to come up with ideas and try to figure out how to do what we imagine. Secondly, another point that I think is very important is communication. After each assignment, Camille took us to watch each person’s work and give an evaluation. This also increases the enthusiasm of our study. Watching the works of other people can also learn the advantages of others.

qimingzhang • June 7, 2019

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