Alexandra Suttie

I use photography for a variety of purposes. First and foremost I use photography to record and document memories, events and moments. This is all I used to think photography was good for, and is still the reason behind the majority of photography I do today. Whether used for journalism or social media, I believed photography’s main purpose was to document.

Photography is an incredibly powerful medium for storytelling, telling the truth and reminding us of the past. It is an important part of documentary, the news cycle and social justice. It can be more powerful than audio or even video. It’s a crucial part of the way we communicate information about ourselves and the world to each other.

I have also begun to appreciate photography used for more creative purposes and understand that this is just as valuable and powerful as more documentary uses of photography. Whether used for marketing, creative expression or other artistic endeavours photography can be extremely influential and important.

Above all, I use photograph to learn about and engage with the world. Photography is a powerful educational tool and has been important in shaping the way I see and think about the world around me.

Uses of Photography

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