Tag Archives: blogging

what you’re writing about how your views are shaped by online sources

Elle talks about the current 60 Minutes crew celebrating their release and how major television networks have shaped her opinion on this issue. Similarly, J’aime discusses the story, realising her views are heavily shaped by media bias before knowing the real story.

Lydia discusses how her views of the US campaign have been shaped by social media, especially the potency of Trump on Facebook.

Rhiannon discusses the portraiture of the Queen and how the tension between  her and her American photographer moved through different media sources.

Annie discusses how people perform identity in Facebook in relation to the reading.

Sophie gives an overview of the lecture in reference to the US campaign, and how we can’t help being intertwined in the campaign.

Blogging as Art

Lucas Ihleim has been developing the idea of blogging as art since 2005. Through a serious of blogging projects he has developed a method that:

“involves a regular, iterative cycle of action and interaction through ‘real-life’ encounters and online blog posting. It generates a temporary public sphere around a particular issue, location or cultural event, deepening attention and generating new insights at the level of the everyday”

I thought this would be interesting for those of you that are really enjoying developing a blogging voice.

His website has links to his blogging projects as well as links to some writing his done that theorises blogging as art, including his thesis.