Robertson, Joseph F., The Magic of Film Editing. Tab Books, 1984.

One thought on “Robertson, Joseph F., The Magic of Film Editing. Tab Books, 1984.

  1. Once again, we continue on this theme of the “magic of editing”. It is becoming a phrase to oft repeated that I am almost starting to believe it. There were so many references with this concept in the title it was difficult to use just one (I considered using the documentary The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing but my high school media teacher was against the use of the word “movie” and ingrained that idea into my brain).
    Though slightly less relevant to the subject of my review, this has got me thinking about some of the crazy abilities of film editing, in terms of what it can do and create. Any piece of literature that broadens your mind broadens possibilities and I’m now thinking way beyond the jump cut.

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