Berliner Todd, Cohen Dale, The Illusion of Continuity: Active Perception and the Classical Editing System, Journal of Film and Video, University of Illinois, 2011

The following article was a very interesting read as it explains to the readers how continuity in films using classical editing work with respect to cognitive thinking of man. The article is not much about the principles of editing but more about how the fundamental conventions of classical editing accommodate our perception and cognitive process and stimulate the perception of continuity. It talks about the principals of space perception in cinema. It says that classical editing practice was developed in the ways they did because the human brain developed ‘it’ that way. It talks about the concept of ‘model building’ by the brain and how the film editing tends to create a similar effect on the brain and thus making it seem continuous.

It was a very helpful reading as while editing videos I would second guess myself as to is this continuous or not and would wonder how the continuity editing works. This reading has helped understand the concept a little better.

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