Intensive schedule

The intensives run for a total of 12 hours over the weeked, as 4 x 3 hr blocks. formal booking time 10.30-1.30/2.30-5.30 each day (please note we alter these times around the field work required for project 2 – please refer to times below…)

Day 1 10.30-1.00

Intensive A
Introduction to whole group – context.
Forming and documenting groups
Viewing mobile video works
View and selecting a case study
Identifying an affordance

lunch 1.00-1.30

Intensive B 1.30-3.00
Group work on case study – project 1 review and feedback
Clarification of chosen affordance with group and tutor for field work and project 2.

Field recording (Project 2) 3.00pm onwards

Day 2

Intensive C
Field recording (Project 2)

Intensive D 12.00-3.00pm
Final project 1 case study emailed to tutor by 12.00am
Project 2 presentations and assessment.